The New ICT Business Portal Ask FRED is coming!

The new ICT business Portal ‘Ask FRED’ will be available from 1 October.

This will replace the Lotus Notes based ICTs4U service and the previous call logging tool. This portal can be accessed by all corporate and curricular users. Overview of the portalThe portal has been designed to be user friendly and will allow you to quickly and easily log requests for ICT services (such as requesting a new laptop or ICT account), log any ICT issues and the track the progress of any open calls. You can also access a range of self-help documentation for ICT problems.

The FRED portal offers many benefits and improvements including:

•It is available on any device including smartphones and tablet.

It can be accessed at home or in the office any time, day or night.

•It can be accessed by all staff (corporate and curricular).

•It makes it much easier to log ICT calls and request ICT services

•You can easily view, track the progress and update all your current ICT calls.

•It contains a new ICT services catalogue detailing all of the services offered

•A range of self-help documentation will be available to help you with ICT problems.

•It can easily be enhanced in the future using your feedback!

To use this new ICT service from 1 October go to:

The portal can be accessed via the front page of Arcadia, from the ‘Ask Fred (ICT)’ icon that will be available on your desktop or by going to Ask Fred

any browser including smartphones and tablets. Follow the instructions provided to log in to the secure portal area.