Improvement idea tree: how can you save the council £22 a week?

During Business Transformation Week, the council’s Improvement teams took suggestions on ‘how to save the council £22 a week’ on an ‘idea tree’, recognising that if every employee did this, it would go a long way to contributing to our £50 million savings target.

The ideas generated are presently being considered by the Strategic Leadership Team and I would like to open up the forum to anyone who might have missed out on Business Transformation Week to suggest some ideas of their own.

Some of the ideas suggested have provided some food for thought, with some examples being only using second class mail, having our premises cleaned every second day rather than daily or fully utilising the capabilities of Lync to save on both time and travel costs, as the Legal and Governance team have done.

So what do you think? What small changes could we make to our day to day business to help the council achieve its savings target?