Find out about forthcoming changes to the Attendance Management Policy

The Attendance Management Policy

has been revised and is now available to view on Arcadia Lite

. The updated policy applies to any employee (excluding Teachers and Associated Professionals) who is not already being managed under the previous procedure.

Service and Trade Union representatives have been consulted fully on the amended policy which has also been approved by the Policy & Resources Committee of the Council.

A raft of helpful new information is included within the policy, including updated Stress Guidance and a new Stress Risk Assessment Document that can be completed by any employee suffering workplace stress. Line managers will also now be able to obtain absence data for specific locations and teams from the Workforce Strategy Team and the other main changes to the policy are listed below.

Please also ensure you familiarise yourself with the full procedure and guidance documents when these are published. Attendance Management Procedure Short Term AbsenceReturn to Work Discussions must be undertaken by line managers after every absence.

A Return to Work Discussion Checklist which can be used by line managers has been created.

There is no longer a split between ‘no underlying medical condition’ and ‘underlying medical condition’ in terms of when the short term absence process should begin.

A new trigger letter template has been created for line managers to notify that an absence trigger point/or pattern of absences has been identified and to invite the employee to attend an Attendance Counselling Meeting.

An Attendance Counselling Meeting Checklist has been created for line managers.

There are new short term monitoring periods to follow on from an Attendance Counselling Meeting.

Information on the consequences of any further absences falling within six months of the end of a monitoring period is now included within the policy.Long Term AbsenceAny phased return to work period has been changed to include up to 4 weeks full pay.

Information on reducing annual leave entitlement for periods of long term absence of over 3 months is now included within the policy.

Further information is now also included on unexplained absences. This details the procedures which should be followed and the correspondence which should be sent.Occupational HealthA complete step by step guide on how to refer an employee to occupational health is now included within the policy. This is linked to an interactive flowchart.

New guidance documents, FAQs and How To Guides are included to assist managers supporting their employees, from referral through to potential outcomes.

There is a new Occupational Health form which can be sent electronically and this should be backed up by retaining a hard copy within your service which is signed by the employee. SupportPlease also remember the Mediation & Employee Relations Team

in HR&OD can provide support and advice in relation to occupational health and attendance issues.

Line managers may also wish to consider taking part in a training session on the on the practical application of the attendance management procedures. Please email

to book a place. (The ALDO e-learn package is currently being reviewed and will be available shortly).

Please contact the Payroll section in HR&OD

by calling 01224 665822 for any issues relating to sickness absence payments.

In addition, a range of initiatives are in place to encourage and create opportunities for employees to engage in a healthy lifestyle. Please contact the Health and Wellbeing Team

for more information.