Equalities: The Movie! Come to the pictures on Equalities and Diversity Day, Thursday 26 November

Equalities: The Movie! Come to the pictures on Equalities and Diversity Day, Thursday 26 November

Did you know that Thursday, November 26 is Equalities and Diversity Day at the council? This year the focus is to be on raising the profile of equalities and spreading the message that equalities is EVERYONE’S business. The Council has made a commitment to ensure that every single employee completes the two equalities training courses by 31 March 2016. These courses are:-

1) Respecting Diversity
2) Equalities – What does it mean for me?

The courses explain our equalities duties and illustrate how small things can make a huge difference in the workplace.

Screenings will take place as follows:-

A) 1:30pm at the Council Chamber, Saltoun Square, Fraserburgh

B) 3pm at Ellon Waste Depot on Thursday 26 November (The depot is located in Balmacassie Industrial Estate – near the Ellon Tesco and the Brew Dog building)

C) 3:45pm at the Council Chamber, Gordon House, Inverurie

Individuals and teams from across all services are welcome to attend, so please spread the word!

The DVD screening events will last approximately one hour. If you would like to attend the training , please register for a place by Tuesday 24 November by emailing gillian.buchanan@aberdeenshire.gov.uk or by telephoning 01224 664140 for the Ellon event. For the Fraserburgh and Inverurie events please contact Mandie.mutch@aberdeenshire.gov.uk

It is also possible to complete this mandatory training using other methods, as follows:

– If you have a workplace computer, you can complete the courses on ALDO
– If you don’t have a workplace computer, you can borrow a copy of the DVD – please ask your line manager for a copy
– You can even complete the training on YouTube

You must make sure you inform your line manager of the date you carried out the training in order that this is recorded. .

Line managers must email ALDOSupport@aberdeenshire.gov.uk and confirm the names of the employees who have completed the courses; their payroll numbers; the name of the course(s) and the date of completion. The council has a legal requirement to ensure this training is covered by ALL employees.

Don’t delay, do your training today!- For further information on equalities training, please contact your line manager or your Service Equalities Champion. If you’re not sure who your Service Equalities Champion is, email equalities@aberdeenshire.gov.uk