Today (28 January) is Data Protection Day

Today (28 January) is Data Protection Day

This is now celebrated in 47 European countries and also in the United States and Canada. The aim of the day is to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the privacy of personal data.

A new training module has been added to the Data Protection Awareness Course on ALDO today, specifically looking at Data Protection breaches and what can be done to prevent them. This new module is four minutes long and can be found at Module 4: “Data Protection Breaches”.

All staff who process personal data within the Council are required to undertake the Data Protection course on ALDO. If you have not already done so, this is a good opportunity. If you have already completed the course, you can log back into ALDO to access this new module.

The Data Protection Act is based on a set of 8 Principles. Always remember:
1. Fair and Lawful
2. Specified Purposes
3. Adequate, relevant and not excessive
4. Accurate and up-to-date
5. Kept for as long as necessary
6. Data subjects rights
7. Security
8. International transfers