Smoke-free grounds roll out: phase three

Service: Customer Communication and Improvement
Introductory sentence: Monday, August 15, marks phase three of the smoke-free grounds policy, coming into play across Education and Children’s Services.
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This will include schools, libraries, swimming pools, sports centres and more, which have posters to advise of the new policy.

Please get in touch with the wellbeing team (Steven Thompson via e-mail or by telephone, on 01224 664136) regarding any of the following

• Staff members looking for support in giving up smoking.

• Sourcing pocket ashtrays.

• Sourcing prompt cards to remind people who are found smoking on the grounds.

• The possibility of an NHS smoking cessation group at your workplace, provided there is a group of staff interested.

For sites where this policy has already been introduced, there have been some minor concerns raised over increasing litter.  Please be aware, when smoking off the grounds, of the impact your cigarettes ends, packets and coffee cups on our local communities. Reusable pocket ashtrays are available from many main council reception areas or via the Wellbeing Team as per the above. These should be used where there is no smoking bin facility until cigarettes ends can be disposed of appropriately. 

Date To Be Published: 09/08/2016
Feature Article: No
Image option: Align-right
Email Address:
Username: Claire McBain
Month: August
PublishedDate: 09/08/2016 11:54
FormattedPublishedDate: 09 August 2016