87% Wellbeing Digital Platform

It was made very clear by employees in the Wellbeing Survey carried out in September 2022 that more was needed to support them.  We are pleased to announce that we have partnered up with a company called 87% to launch a new wellbeing support platform.  It is hoped this partnership with 87% will not only provide long term support to employees where they will be able to take ownership of their wellbeing through access to information and support at the touch of a button but will also allow the council to better understand the health of our workforce so internal resources can be focused on the areas where it is most needed.

87%’s new digital app has now been launched to Aberdeenshire Council!

All employees will receive an email either via their corporate account or private account inviting them to download the new Mental Health Wellbeing app.

The email may be sitting in your ‘junk’ folder and will be addressed from 87%.

Follow the instructions to download the app using your unique code and start measuring, understanding, and improving your wellbeing.

Any personal or sensitive personal data provided through this process is being provided to 87% who are the data controller of that data.  87%’s Privacy Policy can be viewed here.  No personal data you provide to 87% as part of this process will be provided back to the Council.  Whilst we would like to encourage you to participate in this process as a way to support your wellbeing, it is not mandatory.

Aberdeenshire Council are the data controller of the email addresses being provided to 87%, Aberdeenshire Council’s general employment privacy notice can be viewed General HR Privacy Notice (aberdeenshire.gov.uk).

The platform will give you access to exercises and programmes, a mood tracker, continuous measurement and improvement tools, coaching, motivation, and support to help you support your wellbeing.  It can be used as often if you wish, including daily.

There is a short e-learning module video that explains how to use the wellbeing digital platform, allowing you to get a little insight to what to expect.