

Equalities Legislation: Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 came into force on 5 April 2011. The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations came into effect on 27 May 2012.

On 25 April 2013 Aberdeenshire Council approved the Aberdeenshire Equalities Mainstreaming Report and the Equality Outcomes. On the 29 April 2013 the three Aberdeenshire Licensing Boards approved the report. On 23 May 2013 the Aberdeenshire Education, Learning and Leisure also approved the report.

The council has obligations to meet the requirements of Equalities legislation. Equality and fairness are central to the way we conduct business. It will bring about an inclusive culture throughout Aberdeenshire by enhancing the equality experience for residents and employees through the promotion and understanding of equality issues and responsibilities.

Aberdeenshire Council is under a legal duty to pro-actively consider equalities as an employer, a policy maker, a service provider, a buyer of goods and services, and a decision maker.

Public Sector Equality Duty: The Public Sector Equality Duty has three parts which must be complied with. It requires public bodies such as Aberdeenshire Council to have due regard or to consciously consider the need to:

  • Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • Advance equality of opportunity between those who have protected characteristics and those who don’t
  • Foster good relations between those who have protected characteristics and those who don’t


What are Protected Characteristics? Everyone is protected by the The Equality Act 2010. Every person has one or more of the nine Protected Characteristics, so the Act protects all of us against unfair treatment.


Consider the following analogy: If Aberdeenshire Council is a stick of rock, Equalities must run through the length of the rock. In other words Equalities are a key component of our work and not an afterthought. We are building an equalities perspective into every part of our work here at Aberdeenshire Council.


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Equality Impact Assessments: The council has a statutory duty to demonstrate that we consciously consider or have due regard to our equality obligations. Assessing the impact of our policies and practices on equality is one of the most effective means of demonstrating that we have met the Public Sector Equality Duty. The Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) aims to assess the impact of the council’s policies, procedures and functions on those who have Protected Characteristics. It allows us to make balanced judgements in all decisions including difficult ones. It helps the council to assess the impact of our proposals on those who have Protected Characteristics within Aberdeenshire. When we carry out an EIA and find certain protected groups do not have access to our services, are under represented, or are not receiving as good a service as they should, we must take action to resolve the situation. You can view Aberdeenshire Council’s Equality Impact Assessments.

Prejudice Incident Reporting: If you experience or witness discrimination, harassment, hate crime, or prejudice anywhere within Aberdeenshire which is in relation to one or more of the Protected Characteristics then it is vital that you complete a Prejudice Incident Reporting Form (PIRF). If you require any further advice in relation to Prejudice Incident Reporting please email Equalities@aberdeenshire.gov.uk or telephone 01224 664414.

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Equality Service Champions: There are approximately sixty Equality Service Champions across the council who are the first point of contact for any queries or concerns about equality and diversity in their Service. If you have any questions about an equalities matter please speak to your line manager to find out who your Service Champion is.



Equalities e-Learning Courses: All employees of Aberdeenshire Council are required to undertake the following two ALDO training courses:

  • Respecting Diversity – We all have a duty to promote positive attitudes and equality and diversity in our workplace. Through six short video clips, this course aims to help us reflect on our attitudes towards others and to give us an increased understanding of the challenges facing people from different groups and how we might respond. (Approximately 25 minutes).
  • Equalities – What Does It Mean For Me? – This course provides an introduction to the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). It includes information on the role that all employees have in ensuring that the Council acts in accordance with the PSED. Reference is also made to the potential consequences that the Council will face if we fail to comply with the PSED. (Approximately 30 minutes).

If you don’t have an ALDO account please email training.courses@aberdeenshire.gov.uk with a note of your name, service, payroll number and email address. ALDO can be accessed from any device that connects to the Internet.

Equalities Uncovered – 5 Key Points for Every Employee: A document entitled “Equalities Uncovered:- 5 Key Points for Every Employee” has been developed following feedback from Equalities Services Champions across the organisation. As you know, it is essential that equalities considerations are at the heart of everything we do. This short document highlights the key equalities messages that we all must be aware of.

If you have any queries in relation to the content published on this page please email Equalities@aberdeenshire.gov.uk or alternatively telephone the Equalities Team on 01224 664110.